
Saginomiya Japanese Class has started in the region with Japanese language classes and consultation.

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“Saginomiya Japanese Class” started on Monday 18th April 2022. Anic has tried to promote Japanese classes in the area since last year and two venues were set in the South and the North to increase opportunities for residents from abroad to learn Japanese and also they can be consulted in various daily problems.


Since last September some monthly meetings were held by Nakano Social Welfare Council with their initiatives to support regional activities 2021, the organization of supporting people from abroad based on the course “ Provide a space for the children with non-Japanese roots ~ communicate with Easy Japanese Nakano~”, NPO, Civil Welfare Children’s Committee, residents in West Saginomiya residential area, representatives of people from abroad and Council of Social Welfare and it was finally achieved to launch the Japanese Classes leading to more venues with Saginomiya West Residential area as a core.



Saginomiya Japanese Class


On the first and the third Mondays: adult class 14:30 ~ 16:00

Children’s class 16:30 ~ 18:00

The Venue is Saginomiya Nishi Jyutaku Second Meeting Hall

(2-50-11 Shirasagi, Nakano-Ku)

The cost will be only for a textbook and a practice notebook.


Residents in Saginomiya area who would like to study Japanese are welcome!


