The friendship-city relationship between Nakano City and Xicheng District, Beijing was established September 5, 1986 and has led to subsequent a wide variety of exchanges related to sports, culture, education, and community development. Our association has been focused on exchanges on an individual level between residents. We believe it is essential for youth to deepen their mutual understanding, as they are the futures of our communities. Therefore, in recent years, we have continued the baseball exchange programs in conjunction with the Nakano City Youth Baseball Association and Nakano City Rubber Baseball Association.
Friendly baseball game in Xicheng District, Beijing
Wanting to give children learning Japanese language in their city an opportunity to study in Japan, in August 1984, the Wellington Board of Education reached out to Nakano City. The Nakano City Board of Education accepted the exchange proposal the following year in May, and our assocaiation began running the program in 1993. Children from both cities visit the other country to experience a homestay and school life, while learning about the local community. Through these activities, our goal is to raise internationally-minded individuals, as well as encourage foreign language study (Japanese or English respectively).
Welcome reception at Minami Nakano Municipal Juinor High School
Special English lesson at Newlands College