
Held a domestic cooking class for Korean cuisine.

A domestic cooking class about Korean food was held at the Welfare Center for the Disabled at Numabukuro on Friday, November 17th.  Ms. Kim and Ms. Sai taught, as instructors, how to cook Korean domestic dishes.  We cooked bulgoki, Korean seafood pancakes, wakame (kelp) soup, and takuwan (radish) muchim.  With mandarin oranges as dessert, we held an enjoyable luncheon.

In Korea, wakame soup is a special dish for birthdays that mothers always make. Also, you can make Korean pancakes with leftover in the fridge, when it rains.

As we are learning to prepare these dishes, we are informed about the eating habits and related culture in Korea, we made us feel closer to that nation.IMG_1469DSCN9925DSCN9963

