
The Summer Vacation Program Final for the Children’s Japanese Classes “Yattane! No Kai”

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やったね③August 19th (Friday) was the final day for the “summer vacation program for the children’s Japanese classes”.  The children made speech as a result of studies in summer in front of the guests from a ward office, ward assembly, board of education, also school teachers, parents and neighborhood.  The children who arrived in Japan recently made s simple speech on self-introduction and their favorite foods.  On the other hand, the children who challenged to write composition made speech with their best effort on dreams in the future, memories in school life, family members, knowledges in Japan, and so on.  In this summer, 41 children studied Japanese language and 50 volunteers assisted those studies with eagerness.  Every child studied Japanese a lot regardless of hot summer days.  The office expresses the appreciation for all the volunteers who assisted this program.
