
End of the year night patrols with the Minamiguchi town assembly

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At night on Dec 26th (SAT), Friday volunteers participated in the Minamiguchi town assembly’s night patrol for children. Every year, participants in the Minamiguchi town assembly meet up in front of Nakano station. This year was its 4th time.

Every year many foreigners joined and took part in making special end of the year poems, but unfortunately, this year there were zero foreigners that participated. Altogether, there were 5 volunteers in total.

Even still, children part of the town assembly joined in beating wooden clappers as well as traditionally shouting with a big voice to warn others of the dangers of fire.

The night patrol is a very rare cultural event that has been passed down onto us. It is an amazing experience. Being able to talk directly with the members of the town assembly is always a rare treat!
